Make every day Earth Day?
BPT supports sustainability
Towels and compact TP can save up to two waste hauls per year. Preserving the earths resources for future generations means focusing on indoor air quality as well as reducing absenteeism increasing productivity By using backpack HEPA vacuums we improve the indoor air quality and reduce asthma in buildings by 38.5%.



  • Recycled paper products
  • Reduced resin trash bags
  • Concentrated chemicals they use less packaging and cost less to ship
  • Microfiber cloths will divert waste from landfills and help contribute towards preserving precious resources like trees and petroleum.
  • HEPA vacuums
  • All of the above is 100% cost neutral




By providing a healthier working environment you can attract tenants who are now focused on using other sustainable companies further, many green business practices are actually more efficient and provide long-term savings employees are out an average of 7.7 sick days per year At a cost of $ 225.8 billion.


Creating a more sustainable building gives back to the community you operate in by providing a healthier place for people to work. It’s a major investment locally where everyone benefits because we draw from the communities we work in for our employee talent.

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